The AT89Sxx learning board features,
- Designed for new ISP chips, 89S51, 89S52, and 89S53, 40-pin DIP,
- In System Programmable (ISP) through the 6-pin header and a jumper, (no need external programmer),
- TxD and RxD serial port for communicating with serial devices,
- 32 bit GPIO,
- Onboard rectifier and +5V DC voltage regulator,
- Single Sided PCB design.
Part List
R1 330 1/4W +/-5%
R2 10K 1/4W +/-5%
R3-10 10K 1/4W +/-5% (for pull up on P0)
C1 1000uF/16V electrolytic capacitor
C2 100uF/16V electrolytic capacitor
C3 100nF multilayer or ceramic
C4 10uF/16V electrolytic
C5,C6 33pF ceramic
D1 1N4001 / 1N4002 silicon rectifier diode
U1 LM7805, voltage regulator
U1 AT89S51, AT89S52 or AT89S53
X1 Crystal 1MHz – 33MHz (11.0592MHz is suitable for standard BAUD rate generator using timer1, says 9600 )
DB25 parallel port, 25pins connector
Original from: S51.htm